How to Serve White Tea in Right Way

How to Serve White Tea in Right WayThe best white tea is when you prepare or present it in a right way. It is very important because when you prepare it mistakenly you will not get the benefits of white tea. Besides, the best white tea should use the water that is not too hot or too cold. Do you know how to serve white tea in right way? If you don't, please follow these steps to get the best white tea steeping.

Steps to serve White Tea in Right Way

  • Use bottled water that ISO-standard for fresh and clean water will produce the best glass.
  • Put 2 teaspoons of white tea into the glass. 
  • White tea rinse with hot water for 8-10 seconds. 
  • Pour 200 ml of hot water with temperatures ranging between 72-82 degrees Celsius into a glass. 
  • After 4-5 minutes, remove the white tea leaves by using filters and white tea ready to be served.
  • Soon white tea consumption in warm-hot heat, because polyphenols in white tea will decrease as the cold temperature of the white tea after brewing.
  • White tea can be brewed again to 3-4 times. 
  • For the last steeping take a longer time is about 10 minute.

Please consider the following suggestions: 

  • Use glass cup, glass or porcelain gaiwan to brew. 
  • Avoid boiling water using a cooking tool made from aluminum.
  • For maximum results avoid using sugar in white tea. 
  • Do not drink tea during or after meals because they substances contained in food can be stolen by stimulants tea (give 30-60 minute lag time after or before eating). 
  • Avoid drinking tea mixed with milk for causing substances they contain become less helpful.
  • Do not drink the tea that had been all night because of his many substances are oxidized and stale so the impact is not good for the body.
  • Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and lactation. Because caffeine and stimulant substances in tea can stimulate uterine contractions. In addition to nursing mothers would disrupt the production of mother's milk-producing glands, or breast milk.
Hopefully, by following these steps and suggestions, you will get the beast white tea in your tea time, because how to serve white tea in right way is determining factor.


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