About Black Tea

Black tea is a kind of fermented tea, originating from green tea after it is mixed, kneaded, fermented, dried and otherwise processed. The water of green tea is freshly green while that of black tea is orange red. Tea without sugar is called as black tea. In India and Middle-east black tea is also referred to as 'sulemani chai'. According to latest researches in this field, both black and green tea are beneficial for the heart. They can both act as good antioxidants, freeing the body from harmful toxins.

Tea can be consumed in a variety of ways. We can drink black tea by adding some milk or sugar. And then there is green tea, white tea and oolong tea which usually take without any additives. The way in consuming tea usually depends on the type of tea itself.

Black Tea Contains More Antioxidants

About Black Tea

Black tea contains more oxidized than the green, oolong and white tea varieties. Besides, Black Tea contains many antioxidants that will help the body in many ways. In recent studies, black tea has been found to cut down on artery clogging which in turn can help with heart disease and high blood pressure.

Distinctive flavor is one of the key points to keep in mind about black tea. Because of the manner in which it has been processed, it can easily be differentiated from other kinds of tea. Once you’ve sampled black tea, chances are you will never be nostalgic for other kinds of tea.

Moreover, Black tea has approximately half the amount of caffeine than a regular cup of coffee, and green tea contains half the amount of caffeine than black.

Antioxidants of tea can prevents free radical damage that leads to numerous diseases. The antioxidant potential in tea has been found to be significantly higher than that of grape juice and red wine which would explain the studies around the health benefits of drinking tea.

Although green and black teas came from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis, what makes them different from each other in terms of taste and health benefits is the processing method.

Benefits of Antioxidant in Black Tea

Black teas contain more antioxidants which prevent the damage caused by free radicals which can lead to numerous diseases. It is more effective than the other kinds of tea. Besides, drinking black teas can help to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it helps to expand the arteries, which increases blood flow to the heart.

On one last note, to maximize the benefits of this kinds of tea, it is best to drink it straight. Early research conducted both on humans and in rats shows that adding milk to black tea severely reduces the health benefits. Even beyond all these studies, black tea still has weight loss benefits, just like green tea.

Actually we can drink black tea with various of way which has each benefit. Regular drinkers of black leaf tea are more able to relieve their stress faster than the non drinkers. It can also be blended with a number of herbs which enhances its benefits. For example cloves can be added for relieving flu and colds. Ginger plays an effective role in healing respiratory system. Nutmeg can be added to get relief from throat problems pepper can be added to black tea to help promote digestive system and so on.

That's some information about black tea which is very amazing for such cheapest beverage. So, if you want to get a better health, then start to drink black tea regularly. Hope you enjoy this article.


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