Green Tea Cake

Green Tea Cake

Have you ever made Green Tea Cake? or you just already hear Green Tea Cake? Well, it is not a problem. Because, now I will give you a recipe of Green Tea Cake, so you can make it on your own house. It is an Italian recipe. So, it must be have a great taste.

Alright Tea Lovers, let's begin how to make Green Tea Cake. All you have to do is prepare the ingredients and all the things that we need in making this Green tea Cake. Here is the ingredients:

Ingredients of the Green Tea Cake:

- a cup of green tea, maybe you could use the matcha green tea;
- 220 g of milk;
- 175 g of sugar;
- 4 egg yolks';
- 250 g of fresh cream (panna);
- 35 g of isinglass, or more it depends on the consistency you like for the cake.

After you prepare all the ingredients, now you are ready to make Green Tea Cake. I think it is easy to be made, you just follow the steps correctly. Here they are;

The Steps to Make Green Tea Cake:

  • First, prepare the tea and warm milk. When they are ready, you just pour the warm milk in the tea. 
  • Meanwhile you could put the isinglass into warm water and let it soften and whip up the fresh cream.
  • In a pot, use a spoon made from wooden to stir the 4 egg yolks' and 125 gram of sugar.
  • Keep stirring, then add little by little the tea with milk to the compound of the egg yolks'. After that, wrung the isinglass you have already softened in warm water and add it to the green tea cake.
  • Put the pot with the mixture over a very low heat and continue to stir. Attention, boiling the cream could break the cream itself. So, do not do that.
  • When the cream begins to thicken and attach to the spoon remove it from fire, add cream (panna), which you have previously provided to mount, and 50 gr of sugar.
  • Pour the cream into a mold, previously moistened, and refrigerate the green tea cake for several hours. Before serving, place the mold in hot water for a few minutes, so when turning it upside down above the dish, the cake would not break.
  • The Green Tea Cake is ready to serve.
Alright Tea Lovers, that's the whole process of making Green Tea Cake. You can try it at your house as making cake is fun things to do. For you who do not know information about the green tea. Green Tea comes from plant called Camellia Sinensis. And it contains contain caffeine (theine, 2-4%, approximately 20-30 mg for a cup) and catechins (up to 10%, sometimes referred to as tannins) and aromatic substances and are collected in the third year of life of the plant. The tea plant is cultivated in more than 30 countries around the world. It is now known that tea is the most widely used beverage in the world after water, with a per capita average consumption of about 120 ml/day. The different processing of leaf gives rise to different kinds of tea, that is green tea, black tea and oolong tea.

Black Tea is the most tea produced and consumed in Europe, United States, India and Australia. However, Green tea is preferred in China, Japan, far East, Arabia and parts of North Africa. Green tea Virgin tea (Camelia thea) is a beverage made from the young leaves and buds of the plant, without resorting to fermentation, while giving the tea color and particular aroma, it lacks important elements (especially antioxidants) and increases the content of tar (substance very exciting similar to caffeine).

Well, having green tea in a cake is an alternative way to enjoy the green tea as it has great benefits for us. So, I hope you can try it at home. Please give a comment, and if you have any questions about tea, you can contact us.


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