
Tehbuja, Cambodia Flower Tea New Sensation and Benefits

Tea Benefits - Who does not know the plant frangipani? Some people might consider this one ornamental flowers synonymous with mysticism and horror, the article he often encountered in the cemetery. But you know, flowers originating from America, has been widely used as raw material for soap fragrances and perfumes, cosmetics, incense craft industries, and aromatherapy to spa. (Frangipani Plant, Photo Source: merdekadotcom) Besides, maybe not many people know that frangipani flowers can also be eaten like other flowers such as papaya flowers and flower turi. Efficacy consuming frangipani flowers among others to reduce fever, stop coughing, launched discharge of urine, stop diarrhea, prevent fainting because of the heat, cure constipation, inhibit the development of tuberculosis germs, inflammation of the respiratory tract and hepatitis. Efficacy is not because frangipani contains fulvoplumierin showing the power to prevent the growth of bacteria. It also contains essential oils,...

These 7 Benefits of Oolong Tea Are Rarely Known!

Tea Benefits - Have you drink Oolong tea? This tea has a flavor blend between black and green tea. There are various kinds of oolong tea, but the kind that comes from the most famous Fuijan Province, China. So, why do we have to drink Oolong tea? As one of the most popular type of tea in China and Taiwan, Oolong is known to have many benefits for the body. Well, here are seven benefits of Oolong tea for the health of the body , as quoted by WebMD. (Oolong Tea, Photo Source: merdekadotcom) 1. Help you lose weight Well, this is one of the benefits of oolong tea for those who are on a diet. Oolong tea can help you burn fat faster by increasing metabolism, two hours after drinking. Oolong also contains polyphenols that can block the enzymes that build up of fat in the body. 2. Lowering Cholesterol Oolong tea is also said to lower cholesterol. That makes this tea can improve heart health. The content of polyphenols in oolong is also able to activate the enzyme lipase which ca...

Reveals Myriad Benefits The Magic Mushroom, Kombucha

Tea Benefits - Have you ever known magic mushrooms called kombucha? Yes, kombocha is a type of fungus that comes from East Asia. The name 'kombu' itself is taken from the name of a Korean physician who lived in the 5th century AD, while the word 'cha' is taken from the Chinese language which means 'tea'. (Kombucha Mushroom, Photo Source: griyakombucha) In Indonesia, the use of kombucha is long enough for the treatment applied, the decade of the 1930s. He is often called the depot meaningful mushroom fungus fortress. How to get the benefits of kombucha is to be processed first. Way of processing, this fungus is used as a medium for the fermentation of tea. Kombucha tea should be paired with in order to produce a health drink (probiotics) or beauty potion. Regarding the processing itself is very similar to the manufacture of yoghurt. If yogurt is made from milk obvious he gets fermentation of mushroom seed yogurt, kombucha tea while getting kombucha ye...

The Scent of Jasmine Tea Offers These 6 Amazing Benefits

Tea Benefits - Jasmine tea is one type of tea that is easily found in supermarkets or shops around the house. In addition to oolong tea, jasmine tea became one of the most popular tea in China. (Jasmine Tea, Photo Source: Shutterstock/Liv friis-larsen) In fact, this tea also appears in the official record of the Song Dynasty know. Well, here are six jasmine tea for health benefits , as reported by organicfacts(dot)net. Let's look together! 1. Antioxidants Jasmine tea is rich in antioxidants that are known to fight free radical damage. Catechins are antioxidants abundant in jasmine tea, which can be used to prevent many serious diseases, especially cancer. 2. Heart Health If you have a history of heart disease in the family, drink herbal tea can be good for your heart. Jasmine tea, for example, can inhibit the inflammation in the blood vessels and arteries, which can eventually lead to heart attack or stroke. Catechins present in jasmine tea could inhibit the oxidati...

This Green Tea Presentation mode in order Weight So Losses

Tea Brewing - Green tea is proven to help increase metabolism, which later will help you lose weight. The exact amount in the consumption of green tea per day to lose weight is not defined.   Most experts say that two cups of green tea per day is enough, keep in mind too much caffeine is not good for health. Of course, the maximum limit caffeine intake is different for each people, depending on overall food consumption, health conditions and lifestyles, so it is advisable to consult with your doctor. For you lovers of tea and green tea want to include in the daily diet to help you lose weight, this tip. 1. Serve hot Although technically green tea cold and hot green tea is the same, but the difference is the cold version usually has a moisture content of more, because the ice is melting. This is what will make green tea a little more fluid and reduce its effect. It's okay if you want to eat cold green tea occasionally, but try to eat them more often in hot conditions t...

Green Tea Lemon Iced Recipe

Tea Recipes - Hello Tea Lovers .. For a long time I did not give new information about the tea for you. Now I will provide an update of the latest articles about tea recipes. Tea recipe that I will give is Green Tea Lemon Iced Recipe . If you see the name suggests, this drink will be felt very fresh. This is because the lemon is used as a mixture of ingredients. In addition, there are also pieces of fresh ginger and honey. Obviously these ingredients can also nourish besides refreshing for us. (Green Tea Lemon Ice) Green tea is known to have the content of antioxidants that are good for the body. Read more about the health benefits of green tea in my previous article. You can read it here . Regarding other ingredients such as honey, honey is believed to have also a wide range of benefits to our bodies. A 2007 study conducted by Penn State College of Medicine, which involved about 135 children, found that honey is very effective in relieving cough. Even flavonoids con...

The Best Tea in The World

Hello tea lovers.. Do you know what is the best tea in the world ?  If you don't, in this article we will highlight the best tea in the world that you should try. Tea has been known properties since hundreds of years ago . It turns out that each type of tea has different properties . Here are the best tea in the world and a good time to drink it . Come , see the full info here ! This drink is not only good as a friend when the afternoon , but it also has properties that are good for the body . It has been believed since hundreds of years ago . The tea itself has many kinds . And each type has different properties for the body and health . (see: Health Benefits of Tea ) As well as oolong tea which contains antioxidants that are good for endurance said the researchers from China . Based on studies in Japan in 2009 and then , kind of green tea is believed to maintain healthy gums . While black tea may ward off Park...