Reveals Myriad Benefits The Magic Mushroom, Kombucha

Tea Benefits - Have you ever known magic mushrooms called kombucha? Yes, kombocha is a type of fungus that comes from East Asia. The name 'kombu' itself is taken from the name of a Korean physician who lived in the 5th century AD, while the word 'cha' is taken from the Chinese language which means 'tea'.

Reveals Myriad Benefits The Magic Mushroom, Kombucha
(Kombucha Mushroom, Photo Source: griyakombucha)
In Indonesia, the use of kombucha is long enough for the treatment applied, the decade of the 1930s. He is often called the depot meaningful mushroom fungus fortress.

How to get the benefits of kombucha is to be processed first. Way of processing, this fungus is used as a medium for the fermentation of tea. Kombucha tea should be paired with in order to produce a health drink (probiotics) or beauty potion.

Regarding the processing itself is very similar to the manufacture of yoghurt. If yogurt is made from milk obvious he gets fermentation of mushroom seed yogurt, kombucha tea while getting kombucha yeast fermentation of seeds. If it be the result of fermentation, the taste is similar to yogurt, fresh or acids like sparkling apple juice.

Reporting from kompasiana, steps manufacture of a health drink Kombucha mushroom tea is; (1). The first step is of course to collect the materials and tools. For a more or less material there are three kinds. Kombucha mushroom is used as the yeast to become the media fermented tea (kombucha mushroom which is used as a source of seed yeast has been sold everywhere through the Internet. It costs around Rp 60,000 to Rp 80,000 per piece or per jar). The second and third material is 70 or 100 grams of sugar along with 1 liter of water. The last ingredient is black tea or green (or herbal tea also bsa) as much as two teaspoons. As for the tools, provide for a cooking pot along with a jar of water. Do not forget to also provide tools in the form of a cloth cover the jar; (2). Having prepared all the materials and tools, make tea as usual. Green tea to drink green tea, as well as black tea.

The purpose of the made tea as usual, yes, like you make a tea. Mix two teaspoons of tea as much as one liter of water into the already boiling. But this time without sugar mixed in advance; (3). After settling for 15 minutes, strain or separate them with airn seduhannya tea dregs and enter into the steeping water sugar as much as 10% of the steeping water. Then stir; (4). Because the water is still warm steeping tea first let it cool, adjust the temperature of the room where the tea is made. Do not let the temperature exceeds 25 ° C due to the yeast kombucha colony will die if put into hot water.

When performing a cooling process, of course, avoid steeping water from intruding animal flies, mosquitoes and ants or also do not let dust enter into it; (5). Now enter the new colony of yeast fungus brew kombucha when the water has cooled. The size is as much as 10% of the water steeping, the same as the size of sugar earlier. But before being put yeast colony, first steeping water pour into jars made of glass. Close the jar tightly that already contains a mixture of yeast colonies and steeping water, with a cloth cover. Just like before, the cover is useful to avoid any small animals or other dust particles into the jar; (6). Keep the jar containing steeping water is mixed with yeast, between eight to ten days. In this step, the fermentation process occurs. Store jars in a cool place should not exceed 30 ° C and storage temperature should not be less than 20 ° C.

Jars should not be exposed to sunlight, the jars must not be moved about (shake) or always moved during the storage process; And, (7). After reaching 10 days in storage, separate back colony of yeast fungus kombucha kombucha tea with water. The trick grab with clean hands and do not remove the colony. Yeast can be used again as the fermentation medium back, but should be washed first with tap water or warm water. Well finished kombucha tea, pour into a jar and close tightly. To be more delicious drink first tea leave for approximately 5 days.

Meanwhile, to make kombucha mushroom yeast colonies steps procedure is the same as the process of making kombucha tea, but the jar can be used smaller. The newly formed layers of cellulose and steeping tea has been used as a starter for the manufacture of fermented Kombucha tea drink next.

Step presentation of these beverages, as prescribed, this tea should be drunk at least periodically. Namely, a three-day drinking glass measuring cups usual, in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and before bed at night. If drinking kombucha tea is already accustomed to, trust the efficacy of health will have an impact on your body. Many have proved it.

Did you drink a glass of kombucha tea means you have to enter a variety of nutritious for health content into the body. Among them: (a). Enzymes. Enzymes are part of the protein contained in kombucha tea. This enzyme serves as a launch (even accelerate) the process of biochemical reactions in the body; (b). A group of proteins forming organic acid compound. First, an amino acid that works to improve the damaged body tissue. In addition, these amino acids can also be relied upon as antibodies against viruses and bacteria. Second, malic acid which serves to clean all the toxins in the body (detoxification). Third, the nucleic acid that acts as a medium for cell regeneration. Fourth, oxalic acid, which acts as the supporting cells in producing energy. Fifth, acetic acid. These acids function as destroyer of bacterial growth diseased (antiseptic) in the body. As well as the sixth, acetic acid that functions as digestion; And, (c). A variety of vitamins B and C.

Regarding efficacy, the efficacy of Kombucha tea can cure; (1). All disease in the stomach. Among them are constipation, indigestion in Hull, menstrual complaints, bladder stones, colon cancer, varicose veins and many other stomach diseases; (2). All diseases related to joints and bones. Among them are bone inflammation, gout, pain due to bone loss (osteoporosis), arthritis, gout and many other bone diseases; And, (3). Other diseases such as coughs, colds, colds (especially in children), sleeplessness (insomnia), diabetes mellitus, headaches and migraines, asthma, obesity and AIDS.


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