Tehbuja, Cambodia Flower Tea New Sensation and Benefits

Tea Benefits - Who does not know the plant frangipani? Some people might consider this one ornamental flowers synonymous with mysticism and horror, the article he often encountered in the cemetery. But you know, flowers originating from America, has been widely used as raw material for soap fragrances and perfumes, cosmetics, incense craft industries, and aromatherapy to spa.

Tehbuja, Cambodia Flower Tea New Sensation and Benefits
(Frangipani Plant, Photo Source: merdekadotcom)
Besides, maybe not many people know that frangipani flowers can also be eaten like other flowers such as papaya flowers and flower turi. Efficacy consuming frangipani flowers among others to reduce fever, stop coughing, launched discharge of urine, stop diarrhea, prevent fainting because of the heat, cure constipation, inhibit the development of tuberculosis germs, inflammation of the respiratory tract and hepatitis. Efficacy is not because frangipani contains fulvoplumierin showing the power to prevent the growth of bacteria. It also contains essential oils, among others, geraniol, farsenol, citronellol, and linalool fenetilalkohol.

Efficacy owned Plumeria acuminata flowers Latin name is also interesting Abil Dermail et al, students of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) to make it as the manufacture of tea named Tehbuja aka Flower Tea Cambodia. Tehbuja production itself is under the guidance of lecturers Dr Dwi Rachmina.

From the name it is definitely Tehbuja made of white frangipani flower, without preservatives and artificial sweeteners. In terms of color and viscosity, similar to regular tea Tehbuja although in the manufacturing process does not involve components such as the tea leaves in general. This product is packaged in a 16 oz cup size with the original flavor and served in cold conditions. In order to attract customers, the logo imprinted side Tehbujapada product packaging.

Tehbuja making process begins with the collection, namely white frangipani flowers that have been dried are collected and sorted. Flowers are used only perfectly dry and there was no sign of the fungus. Second, smoothing. Flowers smoothed using a blender until smooth sized to efficiency in brewing.

The next process is brewing and filtering. Flowers brewed with hot water until the color of the solution became a distinctive brownish color of the tea and filtered. After that, given the addition of sugar. The dose of sugar for tea solution is 270 grams per liter. Steeping the tea and then collected in a 27 liter water dispenser. Lastly is the presentation. Tea cooled, poured into a plastic cup sizes 16 oz and is packed with a cup sealer.

"We want to make Tehbuja as a herbal beverage with high competitiveness, various efficacy, and benefits, as well as improving the economic value of frangipani based on local resources. Sustainability program entrepreneurial activity among others seek to get halal certification from BPOM and MUI, "said Abil as quoted from page ipbmag / ipb.ac.id.

Tehbuja market segmentation of products includes IPB academicians, students, and the community around the campus. The target of the marketing of these products reach society middle class and upper middle. In positioning, product Tehbuja become a favorite drink both inside and around the outside of the IPB campus.

"We want to make Tehbuja as a herbal beverage with high competitiveness, various efficacy, and benefits, as well as improving the economic value of frangipani based on local resources. Sustainability program entrepreneurial activity among others seek to get halal certification from BPOM and MUI, "said Abil.


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